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Doing business as

Get a DBA registration

Your business name helps establish your brand. Apply for a “doing business as” (DBA) name and make yours memorable. Starts at $99 + filing fees.

How to set up your DBA?

Peace of mind

We're the #1 choice for online DBA filings‡ for a reason. We deal with state and local agencies for you by filing your DBA directly with them.

Comprehensive name search

If it's required in your state, our first step in registering your DBA will be to check your state's official database to find out if the name you want is available.

Publication of business name

In states that require publication of new DBAs, we'll publish your DBA statement in the appropriate newspaper. We'll also forward you the proof of publication and a copy of your statement.

File your DBA online


$ 99 + state filing fees
Preliminary name clearance
DBA application filing
Publication of your DBA name
Proof of publication filing
Customizable website


$ 99 + state filing fees
Unlimited 30-minute attorney consultations on new legal matters (first 30 days of subscription included)
Preliminary name clearance
DBA application filing
Publication of your DBA name
Proof of publication filing
Customizable website

What is DBA registration?

DBA is an acronym that stands for “doing business as.” DBA registration is a way to give your business a name that’s different from your name or the registered name of your business. For example, if the registered name of your business is too long, you might want to apply for a DBA name that’s shorter and catchier to conduct business and build your brand.

Fictitious business name: another name for DBA

Depending on the state in which you’re doing business, a DBA name may also be called a fictitious business name, a trade name, or an assumed business name. These terms are often used interchangeably, but mean the same thing.

Do I need to apply for a DBA?

You’ll need a DBA name if you’re planning to do business as something other than your personal name or your business entity’s registered name. A DBA name isn’t always required for a business, but it can be a useful tool.

Why start a corporation?


If you want to rebrand your registered business and branch into new products or services, a DBA lets you pursue a different direction than your official business name suggests without having to start a new LLC or corporation.


Businesses not registered with the state (e.g., sole proprietorships) operate under the owner's full legal name, so your personal name would be listed on all transactions. With a DBA, you can separate your legal name from your business name and gain more privacy.

Legally required

A DBA is usually required under state law if you plan to operate your business under a name other than your legal name or an officially registered business name.


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