We’ve helped over 100,000 nonprofit organizations get started—let us help you form yours, too. As a nonprofit corporation, you can apply for grants, get 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status if eligible, and protect your assets.
Starts at $99 + filing fees. These costs are often tax deductible.
Start your LLC in 3 easy steps with the industry leader in online business formation.
Our tools offer step-by-step guidance to help you launch and protect your new business.
Our network of experienced professionals can assist your launch and help you grow.
Nonprofit organizations are groups organized for a good cause rather than for profit. None of a nonprofit organization’s income is distributed to its members, directors, or officers.
A nonprofit designation and a tax-exempt status are given only to nonprofit organizations that further certain causes. For example, organizations with religious, scientific, charitable, educational, literary, sports competition, cruelty-prevention, or public safety purposes would qualify.
Start your LLC in 3 easy steps with the industry leader in online business formation.
Our tools offer step-by-step guidance to help you launch and protect your new business.
Our network of experienced professionals can assist your launch and help you grow.
From tax preparation, bookkeeping, credit repair, and immigration services to insurance coverage, notary services, business loan consultant, payroll solutions, FinCen, and A to Z business set-up our services ensure that individuals’ and businesses’ requirements are met under one trusted roof, following our underlying principles.